03 Aug

If you don't know how to knit yet, we're sure to encourage you to do so with this blog. Because knitting is not just creating your own work, it also has many more advantages. You will be surprised at the physical and psychological effects knitting has on your health. These are medically proven and after just a few stitches you will notice for yourself how good knitting is for you. Here are some of the reasons why you should definitely learn to knit 

01. Knitting helps relieve stress 

Do you feel stressed after a difficult everyday life? A New Zealand magazine reports that 73% of people who knit at least three times a week feel significantly less stressed. Incidentally, they were also able to sort their thoughts better and process the day. 

02. Knitting keeps the heart healthy 

Knitting not only lowers your stress levels, it also lowers your blood pressure. In addition, it reduces the heartbeat and is therefore the optimal prophylaxis against heart disease. 

03. Knitting keeps your brain fit 

Anyone who has done it knows that knitting requires a lot of concentration and attention. That trains the brain immensely. In addition, you have to work according to certain patterns for knitting. This ability is also trained in this way and this helps you again and again in everyday life. 

04. Knitting improves motor skills 

This is actually self-explanatory, knitting is an activity that requires motor skills and also trains them. Our hands and fingers are subjected to the most stress and maintain their mobility. Our fine motor skills in particular are strengthened. 

05. Knitting improves your memory 

This technique has been known in yoga for a long time: moving and rolling your eyes from left to right several times in a row ensures relaxation. A British physiotherapist found that intensive daily eye training improved memory by up to 10%. And that's exactly what we do when we knit - move our eyes. 

06. Knitting helps against anxiety 

The sequences of knitting that are always the same have a calming effect and release serotonin in the body. This brings calm and inner peace to the body. Also, because you are very focused on the activity while knitting, you switch off and can't worry about anything else. In this way you temporarily forget your fears and problems. 

07. Knitting makes you proud and happy 

When you knit, you create something completely new. Where before there was only loose wool, there is now a blanket or hat. This is an exhilarating and satisfying feeling that makes you proud and happy. 

“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” 

Criss Jamie 

Surely we could persuade you to grab your knitting needles and start knitting with these 7 reasons. Give yourself this "me-time", do something good for yourself and start today. You can find the best knitting needles at Mindful collection. Our Stainless Steel Knitting Needles are inscribed with a thoughtful word to help you deepen and reinforce what you do. Do you like this mindful blog? If yes please check our similar blog click here.